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MCSC UROP Recruitment Process

Interested in climate and sustainability research?

Join the MCSC for our UROP recruitment event to learn about the work of the consortium, our Impact Fellows, member companies, and more! 

At our UROP recruitment event, we aim to maximize opportunities for both students and supervisors to connect with as many potential collaborators as possible. To achieve this, we’ve designed the event as a “speed dating” style session!

Upon arrival at the MCSC, students will find sign-up sheets listing supervisors and their respective research areas. Students can indicate their interest by writing their names next to the supervisors they’d like to meet. The event will then proceed in 5-minute rounds, where students will rotate among the supervisors they’ve chosen.

At the end of the event, students will complete a preference form to rank the supervisors they are most interested in working with. Following the event, the MCSC staff will review these forms to match students with supervisors. The MCSC will then contact students regarding their matches and project opportunities.

Helpful notes:

  • Resumes: Resumes are optional, although helpful since these will be lightning fast conversations.
  • Supervisors: The UROP supervisors from the MCSC are our Impact Fellows. Read more about them here. Occasionally we will have supervisors joining us from other groups at MIT and that the matching process may look a little different in those cases.
  • Note taking: The supervisors will be taking notes throughout the conversations so we encourage students to do the same.
  • First Semester First-Years: We typically encourage you to wait and join our IAP recruitment event where we will discuss opportunities specifically for first-years. If you are looking to get engaged sooner you are welcome to join, especially if you have previous research experience. Please note that we may preference upper-level students with more experience.
  • Accommodations: Everyone is needed to do climate and sustainability work. If you need or would like accommodations, please reach out to

Discover past UROP Work!

Eager to hear about the work our UROP’s get to take part in? To get an idea, click here to see the work of past UROPs!

Current Recruitment: Fall 2024

Email if interested in Fall 2024 UROP opportunities.

Upcoming Recruitment: IAP 2025

December 6, 2024

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